Friday 5 August 2016

Sunset and Pumpkins in the Bunker Garden

To be honest, I'm not crazy about the quality of the pictures from this little tiny HD camera I've got at the moment.  I went out to get some pictures of the spectacular sunset we are enjoying this evening and ended up with some images of the squash garden instead.  Love the HD idea but don't think this little camera really does it for me.  Might be time to think about an upgrade!

Here's a look at the squash growing in our little bunker garden, enjoy!

Look at the spread on those Fairy Tale pumpkins! 

The Sugar Pie pumpkins with some Fairy Tale leaves mixed in on the right.

4 Different types of pumpkins growing in that mess ... 

One of the spaghetti squash we planted!

Some of the flowers on the pumpkins in our Bunker Garden.

A look down the middle of the Bunker Garden

One of the baby pumpkins on our Giants! 

The Giant pumpkin is making a run for the back field! 

These Fairy Tale squash are looking to be a dream come true!

Taking over the end of the Bunker garden ...

Such beautiful leaves on these Fairy Tale pumpkins!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Butterfly on the Rain Barrel

I was out a few days ago, testing this little HD camera that I use for my underwater stuff, and happened to notice this little critter sitting on the lip of our water barrel.  Seemed like a good chance to see what this tiny camera could do with still photos!

Thursday 10 December 2015

Winter Evergreens